Directorate of Education
(Govt. of NCT of Delhi)

Journey so far

“A Library is a growing organization”

- Dr. S.R. Ranganathan

(1892-1972, Father of Lib.Sc. in India)

Libraries can function as real resource centres where innovative learning can grow. They provide a joyful ambience where one can spend precious time browsing through books to enhance his knowledge.

Since year 2017-2018, the government school libraries of Directorate of Education, GNCTD have witnessed a major transformation as the funds allocated saw a meteoric rise in the procurement of books by these libraries and a heightened interest in students and teaching faculty in library activities organised time to time at school level. The transparency and efficiency have increased manifold in procurement of books by the schools.

Year 2020-2021 was marred by the pandemic which deterred the Directorate of Education, GNCTD from following the routine annual calendar and an inflection point was engendered by this pandemic accentuating the need for libraries as a source of information and knowledge more than ever in the absence of regular schooling.

Learning from the past and resilient as ever, year 2021-22 was the year of innovation where the book fair was conducted online. Enthused by the grand success of last book fair, this year too, it has been decided to hold the Mega Book Fair – VI, in online mode as the event in this mode renders the whole process of procurement more transparency, greater credibility, more efficiency and a frugal spending coupled with providing the students and teachers an opportunity to be decision-makers in planning for the purchase for their school library. In furtherance, as the seeds of technology sown in the field of imagination bear the fruits of innovation so is the case of conducting the online Mega Book Fair – VI (2022-23) whereby the students are being provided with an opportunity to experience the upcoming age of automation opening a wide realm of scientific possibility giving an endless flight of imagination to the dreams and aspirations of our young citizens.

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Contact us

Library Branch, Room. No.6,
NCC Building, Directorate of Education,
Old Secretariat, Delhi 110054

Email us at: suggestions[dot]mbf[at]gmail[dot]com

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